Detroit, also known as “Motor City” has a population of roughly 672,351. Though the city has endured hardships, many say that there is a “New Detroit” emerging. In recent years there has been a lot of urban agriculture, art studios, and tech incubators helping revitalize the city.

So if you’re interested in visiting or moving to Detroit, we have a list of eight cool facts about this city to help you become more knowledgeable about the largest city in Michigan.

8. Urban Agriculture

Detroit has the largest urban agriculture movement in the US. Detroit Urban Farming Initiative (DUF) was founded in 2014. The city has partnered with the US Department of Agriculture, the Food and Water Watch, and Michigan State University to support local farmers.

7. A Bustling Art Scene

Detroit’s art scene has been revitalized by the Detroit Community Art Program. This program is supported by a number of outlets including Moving Images, Wayne State University, and the Detroit Institute of Arts. During this time period, many artists took full advantage of vacant buildings within Detroit’s downtown area to create extensive art installations.

6. A Tech Hub

Detroit’s technology scene is thriving. Ford has been a strong supporter and advocate of technology incubators to build tech startups. Detroit is home to 12 standing tech incubators such as North America’s largest and first dedicated sound studio, the world’s oldest instrumental-making school, and one of the first makerspaces in the U.S., among others.

5. Home of Techno

Just about everyone and their cousin knows that Detroit is home to the Motown genre. But did you also know that it’s where techno music was invented as well. In fact, Detroit even hosts the world’s largest outdoor music festival every year!

4. Home of Many Firsts

Detroit Michigan was the first in the nation to claim many “firsts.” This includes the first individually assigned phone numbers, the first automatic coffee maker, and even the first paved road. Yes, the first paved road in the nation was in Detroit!

3. Pivotal in WWII

Yes, Detroit is known as being a city for manufacturing cars. However, when World War II struck, manufacturers such as Chryler, GM, and Ford sprung into action to help with the wartime effort. The vehicles made by these manufacturers range from Sherman tanks to B-24 bombers.

2. Home Teams

Detroit has been the home of four major league sports teams which includes The Pistons, Lions, Red Wings, and Tigers. So if you’re a sports fan looking for year round games, Motor City has something going on throughout the year.

1. Pioneering The Internet

Detroit was the first city in the U.S. to have a city-wide wireless Internet infrastructure, which greatly contributed to its high level of technology incubation.


There have been a lot of ups and downs in Detroit’s history. However, the urban agriculture movement, creative technology incubators, art scene, and entrepreneurial spirit are all improving the city. There was a huge growth in entrepreneurship within Detroit through incubators with close ties to money-making industries such as automotive, real estate development, and others. With all of these exciting developments, it could be possible that brighter days are ahead of Detroit.